Friday, September 06, 2002

Kurdish niggers will rule the world

This ? This is an old game I used to play, when I was much younger. But now, not anymore... as if I started from the end, counting back to the edges of pre-existence. Swimming in a space of no-directions, hearing your deaf footsteps � sometimes, it is too unbelievable to love and sometimes the same unbelievable love can take too much. It makes me sad, the things I said, and the things I didn�t say.
I was a master of this game, but when the game doesn�t look like the old one, when the players are not the same players and when I am not the one I used to be, there is no choice but surrender and quit the game.
May be you say: what the fuck is he talking about this time? But when your own feelings disappoint you, you�ll understand the fuck I am talking about. When your very small dreams become a nightmare and simplicity leads to you chaos �
I�ll be proud to be a looser �
I was a master of this game but not of my emotions�.
When you are not the master of your emotions, your chances are fucking zero.
It is very easy to say: let our fate lead us. Let the future play this game for us.
But excuse me I am not that person� ctrl+alt+del